The Crooked Link

Life of a Low Stakes Gambler...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

No Tilt Sunday

Ok, so this is the part of my sports betting en devour where I begin to tilt my money away after a couple of bad days. Friday I lost $15 in 2 plays and I didn't want to make any stupid bets on Saturday so I stayed away from the computer. I was also mega tilting because of the fact that I'd lost my wallet which had $168 dollars in it along with a couple of credit cards and my ID.

I had no idea where it was and the last time I remembered having it with me was at a gas station Thursday night so I figured I must have left it there. I call the gas station hoping to hit the equivalent of a miracle one outer on the river, but I brick out and they say no one's turned anything in.

So I spend most of Saturday afternoon pissed off about the wallet that I don't even bother to log onto my book account. But then my guy Furcio came over like at 1am, after he got off work to pick up a pair of shoes that he bought off ebay usuing my account. Anyway I ask him if I can check his car real quick to see if maybe I'd dropped my wallet in there, and sure enough there it was under the passenger seat. I have no idea how it got there, but I'm just glad I was able to recover it, and my gambling mood was much more improved for my Sunday Plays.

Had a lot of baseball plays and a Chivas v. America game that I was going to bet big on but decided against it and only played it for 1.5 units.


Cincinnati -0.5

Chicago -0.5

Royals v. Twins Over 8

San Francisco -0.5

LA Angels -0.5

Padres v. Dodgers Over 9

LA Dodgers -1.5

Colorado -0.5

Chivas -0.5


Day Record: 5-4-0

Day Profit: +$1.28

Total Record: 23-29-0

Bankroll: $163.10

Total Profit: -$36.90 (-7.4 Units)

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