The Crooked Link

Life of a Low Stakes Gambler...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The More the Merrier

Huge Card tonight. Let's hope for the best, lol. Way more games than I should be betting on a single night, but eh, what the hell.

Angola (Pick)

SM Caen +100

Everton (Pick)

Memphis -14

UAB -13.5

Drexel -3

Towson St -6

NC Wilmington -3.5

Indiana St -8.6

Kings -3

Lakers +8

Pacers +4

Magic -3

Wizards +4

Trailblazers +8


vtn said...

i think we should just do college picks...seems like theyre pretty money.

vtn said...

watch the trend...tuesday and wednesday nba games seem to alternate from week to week.

week 1: tueday is good to bet, wednesday is bad.
week 2: wednesday is good, tuesday is bad.
week 3: tuesday is good, wednesday is bad.

watch this and boy have noticed this trend for the past couple weeks and same goes for every friday. it alternates...i think this friday is a bad friday (as last friday all favs hit cept for pistons).

CrookedLink said...

thanks for the trend info man.

let's hope the college hoops help us out tonight.

vtn said...

yea i'm confident with the picks...the only thing that worries me is that they are some fat lines (mostly double digits). either way the worst should be 3-3.