The Crooked Link

Life of a Low Stakes Gambler...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Paying for a Victory

I do this thing sometimes where, I'll bet against a team that I really really want to win, just to create a win win situation for my self.

This way, if my team loses, at least I get the consolation of winning money. If my team wins, I have no problem paying my debt, but knowing my team won. It's stupid I know, yet somehow it makes sense in my head.

I don't do this often. Usually only with some of my favorite teams such as the Cubs in last year's playoffs and Santos in yesterday's game. I bet against Santos not because I thought Santos might lose, but because if they did, I wouldn't feel TOO bad. So as I'm watching the game yesterday at work, the guy I bet against is like "WTF?" cause I'm rooting for Santos the whole match even though I bet on Cruz Azul with him.

Well Santos went on to win the game, and I had no problem paying my debt. It felt like I was paying for my team to win...

Yea....slow day.

I'll post of few pictures of the Santos victory.

It's a 2 game series so the Champion will be decided this Sunday, but with Santos heading home with a 2-1 lead its almost a lock given their strength at home this season. They haven't lost at home in like 2 months.

My dad is a HUGE Santos fan so we're having a BBQ on Sunday for the game. Call it the Mexican Super Bowl. Dad also has mad money riding on Santos.

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