The Crooked Link

Life of a Low Stakes Gambler...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Need You Kobe

So Christian neglected to let me buy out of our bet even when I offered $30. I don't blame him though. He knew I was easy money, lol. Thankfully I had an amazing rush of cards during lunch against Furcio and I managed to win $40 from him in blackjack. So he'll be the one paying my debt haha.

Shit, after me and Christian finished our game today I had a chance to make some money when he offered to give me 10-1 odds on a half court shot. He backed off the bet last minute and of course I go on to sink the basket.

I also have a couple of bets for tonight. One which I already won, which was who would score first in the Cavs v. Celtics game. That was for $10 against Mackenzie and I chose the Cavs. King James gave me the win with a 20 foot jumper.

I also gave my guy Furcio 3-1 odds on the Jazz v. Lakers game. My $30 against his $10 with me getting the Lakers obviously. Really need Kobe to break out here without making me sweat the game at all.

And one last official play for tonight in a Mexican Playoffs soccer game.


Chivas Pick (2 Units)


Day Profit:

Day Record:

Total Record: 50-66-2

Bankroll: $161.12

Total Profit: -$38.88

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