The Crooked Link

Life of a Low Stakes Gambler...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Golden Boy

Big fight is finally here. I already had a $20 bet with a guy from work, me taking De La Hoya. So I'm throwing down some more money on him on BookMaker.

I haven't placed the bet yet though because right now the line is at -195. It was down to like -150 last night and I should have taken it then. Now I'm probably going to wait til right before the fight starts and hope it goes down again.

I also have a shit load of other plays on the NBA and NCAA football. My man V tells me we're going to make some lunch money today, lol.

USC -32

Missouri +16.5

Miami -11

LA Clippers +1

New Orleans -14.5

Atlanta +6.5

Atlante PK

Day Profit: -$2.73

Day Record: 3-3-1

Total Record: 180-190-11

Bankroll: $113.65

Total Profit: -$86.35


vtn said...

alright good luck with those picks. i like the hawks also.

let's go de la hoya. i might go watch the fight with some friends and theyre all taking pacquiao. it's gonna be a quiet fight party for me hah.

oh and usc didnt cover. my bad.

vtn said...

yeah de la hoya is done. he looked so weak.

i ended up playing $15 on pacquiao on my other account after i saw how fast manny was in the pre-fight highlights and how slow oscar looked last year against mayweather.

The Hero said...


vtn said...

i'm going big tonight. see anything you like? i like the jazz also.