The Crooked Link

Life of a Low Stakes Gambler...

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I don't usually work on Sundays so today's plan was to grind 10NL all day, but late last night my friend gave me a call and asked if I could work for him today. I could use the extra cash so I said sure.

I usually go into work at 4P.M. except Sundays in which case I have to be here at 2P.M. Well, I ended up going to sleep at 5 A.M. thinking I had set my alarm to go off at 10:30 so I could put in a solid 5 hours of sleep and have time to analyze the baseball lines in the morning and maybe catch an early movie at the Cineplex in Evanston before heading to work.

Well I woke up to no alarm actually and when I glanced at the clock it was 2:15 LOL. So I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth and put some fresh gear on and managed to arrive to work only 36 minutes late. Haha, how the fuck do you oversleep for a job that starts at

Right so anyway this means I missed out on playing Paper Chaser's picks which is going to sting if he ends up sweeping.

I may or may not make a play on tonight's Santos v. Pachuca game. I'll update later if I do.

Since I left home in such a hurry I didn't bring my laptop with me (using a friend's at the moment) and since Sundays are usually really slow at work I'm probably going to be close to finishing up Harrington on Cash Games by tonight and then I'll put in a short session of 10NL when I get home from work.